Morgan and Vaughn Brenda I have had the BEST couples this year. I feel blessed to have met soooo many wonderful people through work. When Morgan and I met for the first time it felt as if we had known each other for years! I was honored to be included in their wedding day! Morgan loves details. I know she just LOVED planning their wedding. Morgan and Vaughn selected, St. Francis Episcopal, a small charming church in Turlock to hold their intimate ceremony. They followed their ceremony with a fabulous reception held at Two Guys Catering on Broadway which happens to be one of my all time favorites….they serve the BEST food! If you have not been their you should stop in the Red Brick Cafe….you will be in for a treat! Here are a few images captured…. A special appearance from Elton John. Vaughn’s FAVORITE artist:)

Samantha Stokman and Kyle Perez E-session The esession that session sizzled this summer!!! I am so honored to be included in Samantha and Kyle’s wedding day next June! Samantha and Kyle are one GORGEOUS couple and they are super cool -genuniely happy and did I mention GORGEOUS? Thank you Kyle for taking me to this AMAZING location…I would just love to go back. It was extremely hard to pick favorites from this session! Here are just a few:

Michelle and James are getting hitched!!! Did I say how much I LOVE spring! ??? What a GREAT time we had in the flowers! They make a gorgeous couple! Looking forward to their up coming wedding.